Thank you for this beautifully visionary story of humanity. However the vision appears dependent on people of good will using information for the benefit of all. What I see missing is how to deal with historical and personal trauma that breed narcissism and psychopathic personalities that, without mechanisms for maintaining social harmony could disrupt and pervert the vision, recreating the pathologies of modernity. Indigenous cultures have taken mulkennia to develop dispute resolution mechanisms and systems for containing and isolating the psychopaths amongst them. Have you taken these aspects into consideration? I maybhave missed it.

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Thanks David for your interesting comment.

Rather than being 'dependent on people of good will using information for the benefit of all', I see the proposal for new systems as describing a way of enabling the many people who do want to improve the world for the benefit of all to be able to do so more easily. Clearly, not all people want to do this, but many people do.

In terms of the kinds of people who want to disrupt and pervert such a vision, although I didn't go into this in detail in this essay, I am taking it into account in my thinking. There are multiple ways in which decreasing the power of such people is included. For example, whereas profit-maximising businesses are defined to be selfish to the point of sociopathy, and therefore enablers of people with that kind of personality, cosmolocal networks can be defined in socially positive ways (I give examples in the essay), which makes them much less susceptible to being used by bad actors.

I agree some indigenous cultures have created mechanisms to deal with such people in their own contexts, and those will be useful in the development of more mechanisms to deal with such issues in current and future contexts. This is part of the development of many new approaches that will constitute the development of the pluriverse.

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Sounds like a new book is underway!

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